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I teach a course where if a student fails, they can retake it another time in the year.  When I put their email in and add them back into the course, all of their grades from when they failed the class appear.  How can I get rid of those grades and h...

  • 1 Replies

I have created several matching quizzes and ask to offer partial credit to the ones that were correct. It gives me the percentage but the grade in the grade book is zero only if they get them ALL correct. I can make it work in the old quizzes but wou...

  • 1 Replies

Ahoy,   So, the awesome search capabilities in Announcements isn't working on the Announcement index page for me. It IS working within the individual announcements themselves, so I can find keywords and students' replies if I'm looking at an individu...

  • 1 Replies

I use models as a means of instruction for various tasks for my students. I would like the gradebook to automatically mark the assignment I created as complete when the student checks the box Mark as done. Is there a way to make this happen? The stud...

  • 7 Replies

Is there a way to see the different sections a student has been a member of at different times during a semester? We use sections for lecture, tutorial, lab, etc groupings. These  sections are created by data feeds from the timetable but it is also p...

  • 6 Replies

I am coming from the WordPress world and teach mathematics using MathJax extensively. I am in the process of porting pages to Canvas and can’t seem to figure out where to configure MathJax. In particular I am used to setting up a preamble which will ...

  • 2 Replies

I want to assign the modules in full to mastery paths so students can select what they want topic they want to do first but then lock the others.    so in the diagram below for example each module will have information, a quiz and an assignment.  the...

  • 3 Replies

We are linking to videos on dropbox to minimize Canvas file storage.  Is there way to add a thumbnail to a video link to a cloud storage location such as Dropbox?

  • 1 Replies

I'm using the LTI in Canvas to add H5P content and when users enlarge the browser window or zoom way out the H5P content is automatically centered on the page vs. left-aligned.  If I use the embed code from H5P and use the embed feature it left align...

  • 1 Replies

Students told me that they cannot view the total for the assignment. That column appears on my end, albeit with incorrect percentages: I have 13 Assignments and the lowest 3 will be dropped. Each assignment carries 3 points. I would like students to ...

  • 1 Replies

When I create an essay question in a question bank, the question is marked as "unanswered," even when I put an answer in the "General answer comments." I'm not sure why it's flagging that at all, but the problem is that "unanswered" then gets added t...

  • 7 Replies

Subscript use in matching question? I'm unable to use subscript in a matching question. I see a previous post from 2018 indicating it's not available at that time; has it been updated and available now?  Here's what's needed. Pic 1 is from D2L (where...

  • 5 Replies

Good afternoon,   We are seeing an increase of students having issues Authenticating with Google to access assignments/drive/docs ect. We have tried going into Canvas and removing Google Drive, go into their Google account and remove Canvas, cleared ...

  • 5 Replies

Is there any way of previewing the feedback attached to a multiple choice question without Previewing the whole Quiz (i.e., essentially doing the Quiz, and answering the question to get the right feed back.   It seems there is no way of viewing how t...

  • 3 Replies

I have noticed that speedgrader has the limitation of not allowing one to highlight across page breaks.  This is particularly frustrating when grading essays where the portion I'd like to highlight (and subsequently comment on) crosses the page break...

  • 1 Replies

While  working on my first quiz for a Spring course at Harvard Extension, I was using a quiz bank with about 50 questions, most of which I've used before.  When I tried previewing the quiz, roughly a fifth of the items turned up with the wrong answer...

  • 1 Replies

 Can you help me with these?   When the instructor/users of the sandbox course create Test Students, are we all basically the same test student? How can we create multiple Test Students, and how many can we create? On a community board, we learned th...

  • 2 Replies

I've finally succeeded in getting an outcome import to work in canvas. However, I had to provide an outcome number in the column A vendor_guide. i.e. outcome_94632, etc.  How do I get Canvas to auto-number the outcomes so that I don't have to look up...

  • 2 Replies

What if no assigned peer is given two separate times. The first I lost 20 points the first time.  Will I lose 20 point this timw also before I even get started?  

  • 1 Replies

I created an New Quiz, students took it, and it has been graded using speedgrader.  There doesn't seem to be any way to download these scores as a CSV file.  Am I missing something?  Where does one do this?  The grades have not been posted, and I do ...

  • 2 Replies

If I am teaching at one school and I want to leave that school, is there a way to take my canvas course content with me?  Thanks!

  • 1 Replies

Greetings,   Yesterday, 2/21/22 the preview feature was available in all components of Canvas (Speed Grader, Modules, etc.). It is not available today. I have restarted my computers and the browsers several times.   On my MacBook Air, the chrome vers...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to make it so students receive the points for an assignment just for turning it in? So if it was a ten point assignment, they would get the ten points just for submitting it? I know there is a way to override a grade in the gradebook, ...

  • 1 Replies

Howdy.  Ass. Prof here.  There are many posts on this topic, but none of them apply here.  All you need to see this mistake is have assignments with different point values.  No weights (which was a good guess). 9/10, 10/10, 14/15 It will drop the 14/...

  • 5 Replies

If I attach a file (e.g., a PDF file) to my "assignment comments" in SpeedGrader, my students can see these files but I cannot see them (e.g., if I want to check if I have attached the correct file or if I want to see the comments that I gave my stud...

  • 2 Replies

Have the Canvas software developers even tried using their own annotating tools? I've spent minutes trying to highlight a passage that the student submitted so I can make a comment -- to no avail.

  • 2 Replies

Does Canvas offer any navigation tools for students to use during exams? For example, highlight portions of question text and multiple choice answers? Or flagging questions to answer later.   

  • 3 Replies

My teacher posts many assignments with the embedded Google Docs feature and while that normally works for me, yesterday I was trying to get into the assignments that were due that day and two loading circles were on my screen where the google doc wou...

  • 1 Replies

When creating new courses for the next term, our institution usually copy+pastes due dates for each assignment from an excel sheet that tracks the new dates.  I've recently learned that Canvas has a setting that should simplify this. However, when fo...

  • 5 Replies