Link settings in new rich content editor, new window or not?

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Can links in the new rich content editor be changed to open the link in a new window or in the parent window? In the older version you can hit Cntl k when the link is selected to change this.

By goofing, it seems that external links are by default set to a new window and course links are set to the parent window. I'm more curious how this is set up and I can't find it. The more you know.

Thanks a heap,

Jarral Ryter

Western Colorado Uni

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @jryter1  Thank You for this question. I'm a big fan of Ctrl-K. So I had to find out too.

This new Rich Content Editor guide says that:

When clicked, external hyperlinks automatically open in a new browser tab.

But all is not lost as it also says:

Alternatively, you can create external hyperlinks using keyboard shortcuts. After adding content in the New Rich Content Editor, select the text for your hyperlink.

Then press Cmd+K (Mac keyboard) or Ctrl+K (PC Keyboard).


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