Locking quiz

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I have been using New Quizzes to create and conduct quizzes in my course. Is there a way I can 'LOCK' a quiz? Meaning, even though a quiz is published and students could see the quiz title, they would not be able to access and take the quiz. 

This is because I take my quiz at the beginning of the class and I do not want a late -comer to access the quiz whenever he or she pleases. 

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While creating a New Quiz, you can set Availability from and Until dates in the Assign section along with Due Date. Setting Availability from and Until dates will automatically open the quiz and lock the quiz at the set time. (By default the Due and Until timings are set to 11:59 PM and Availability from is set to 12:00 AM for the selected date. Timings can be modified manually.)

Availability from option keeps students from viewing and submitting an assignment until a specific date. Assignment/Quiz content is not visible to students until after the Available from date and time passes.

Until date option allows students to submit an assignment until a specific date/time. The Until date you set depends on whether you want to accept late submissions or not. When the Until date has passed, students can still view the quiz.

For No late submissions set the Until Date the same as the Due Date. For example, If your class starts at 8:00 PM and you want to start the quiz at the same time and the time limit is half an hour, set the Availability from date to 8:00 PM, Until and Due Dates to 8:30 PM. This way any latecomers will not be able to take the quiz beyond 8:30 PM, but please note that if any student starts the quiz at 8:20 PM, they still have 10 mins to work on the quiz.

Check this article about Assignment Due Dates and Availability Dates.

Hope this helps!


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