Making both True and False correct

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I accidentally included a T/F quiz question on material we haven't covered yet. I set up the quiz to draw a certain number of items from a Quiz Bank, so not everyone got this question, so I don't want to just give everyone credit. Is there a way to make both True and False correct for this question? Or to somehow give automatic credit to everyone who got this question on their quiz?

Also, if I change this in the Quiz Bank, will it change the correct answer to be either T or F for students who took the quiz, if the quiz is now closed? 

1 Solution
Community Champion

@kimj -

Because you have 700 students, it would take some time to go through each student.  However, I do have a solution alternative that is relatively quick.

1) perform the quiz analytics to download the csv file that will be used to determine which students got that problem marked wrong - Reduce the spreadsheet down by deleting columns so that so that you are left with the student name and the question. 

2) In your gradebook, add an assignment column for the quiz and give it 0 points possible,  Export the gradebook(another csv file) and keep your first 5 columns (or however many you have of student name, id's sis information, etc) and then delete all other columns other than the 0 point assignment you just created.

3) your two csv files should have the same students in the same order.  so copy the quiz question results over to a new column in your gradebook csv file.

4) sort the file on the true or false value column for the quiz question. 

5) then for all the students that got the question marked wrong, add the score of the problem to the column for your 0 point assignment.

6) delete the column of t/f information from the quiz and import the saved gradebook csv file.  You could add 0 for all the students that got the problem correct.

That may seem like a lot and you might just decide to give everyone credit for the problem.  Even still, I suggest you work through it just to learn what you can do.  After doing something like that a couple of times it won't seem that bad.  I just hope that you can follow my instructions (or understand them) well enough to do what you need to do.


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