Why do students get full credit when they submit a late assignment?

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I create a quiz and set a due date/time.

A student submits the quiz LONG after the deadline (2 weeks) and still gets full credit.

Does Canvas not understand what a due date IS?   Back when I was a student, if you submitted an assignment well after the deadline, you got no credit at all.  I guess I made the assumption that the phrase "due date" means the same in Canvas as when we use it out the real world.  Clearly that does not seem to be the case.

Or is there some setting I need to use to cause the due date to actually have some consequence?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @kevin_redding,

By default, submissions made after the due date/time will have a "late" tag visible to you in SpeedGrader (and may change the shading of the cell on the Grades page, but it would be up to you in those cases to determine what kind of penalty a late submission would have.  In my opinion, if you want to give 0 credit for late submissions, you should set the due date/time and the accent until date/time to be identical, so students can't even make a late submission.

If you want Canvas to assign automatic penalties for late submissions, you'll want to check out the How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the Gra... - Instructure Community - 965 guide.  If you use the guide to set up a late submission policy, the deduction will be applied to any submission marked as late.  Canvas will automatically mark online submission as late after the due date, but you'd need to manually set things to late if you're using other submission types (like on paper), as Canvas has no way to know when those things were turned in.

I hope this helps!


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