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I am using TWA/ Go-React for an ASL college course. My teacher has setup the class for it but my dashboard isn't loading for the class material.


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi there, @DominicOrlando ...

There have been several folks here in the Community that have had similar experiences like yours where the Canvas Dashboard isn't loading correctly.  Here are a handful of things that have been recommended:

  • If you are able, try clicking on your "Courses" >> "All Courses" menu in Canvas.  Are you able to see your courses listed there?  They may or may not be "published".  Look in the far right-hand column to see if a course is published or not.  If a course is not published, then your instructor has not yet made the course content available to you and your classmates yet.  If you do not see your course(s) listed on the "All Courses" screen, then you will need to contact Fredonia State University of New York to get this resolved.
  • Make sure that your browser is up-to-date.  I have been recommending either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox when navigating around Canvas.  Also, please review What are the browser and computer requirements for Instructure products?
  • Try clearing your browser history/cache files.  Then, close your browser and re-start it.  Log back in to Canvas to see if anything has changed for the better.
  • Reach out to your school's Online Learning / eLearning / Distance Education department to see if they have any suggestions for you.
  • Contact the Canvas Help Desk staff at Instructure.  They may have some other suggestions as well.

I hope this will help a bit, Dominic!  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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