New Assignment Tool Notification

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Community Champion

A student relies on the notification (blue dot) for her assignments (upcoming and feedback, etc). She completed an assignment that allowed unlimited attempts. She completed it and was graded with feedback. She responded to the feedback. However, the blue dot notification still appears adjacent her score (actually, two dots adjacent two scores) and she sees the "2" in a blue circle adjacent the grades on the sidebar - indicating there is grading or feedback. These are not clearing no matter what I try.

Is this a bug or does she need to do something?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @rgibson1 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with clearing  the blue dot from the student's notification views. @Ron_Bowman posted some good other threads for options of clearing  it as well. We always recommend them clearing their cache, trying another browser, seeing if  they can duplicate it in the app, another wifi, etc. If none of  those things  have fixed it, you could contact Canvas Support. They do have a way to clear the  user's cache on  their  end that (very rarely) is the cause of an issue like this and can help.

Because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution:  

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