Pearson course not available yet, but should be

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I have created a Canvas (Free for Teachers) course and linked the LMS to Pearson / Mylab Brady.  The integration went fine (I have done 2 others).  The Grade Sync works, and all the assignment synced with my Canvas course.  My students have created their Pearson account.  They can use the Mylab / Mastering link and go to all their assignment in Mylab Brady.

But, when they click on an assignment in Canvas that links to Mylab the get the following error:

An Error Has occurred

Pearson course is not yet available.    Your instructor needs to access your course to make it available.  Please try again later, or contact your instructor.   

I appreciate any help, anyone, can provide.    Of course, the course starts in 2 days.  


1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@StephenBryant01 I am sorry to hear about the issues you are having setting up the integration with Pearson in your Canvas course.  The error message about your Pearson course not being available, is a Pearson error message--not a Canvas one.  I recommend that you contact Pearson for more support with getting your Pearson course set up an available.

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