Possible to Turn on or Off Question Banks from Other Courses?

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I teach many different subjects, half of which are anatomy courses designed from an introductory non-majors course on up to a graduate-level course.  Many of the questions I use require identification, so I have built hundreds of question banks (usually ~500-700 questions per course), most with a linked, uploaded picture.  However, not all question banks are relevant to each course, even if the content is related. 

I would like to have the ability to enable and disable which courses auto-populate when forming question groups for quizzes

Right now it shows every single question bank folder from every canvas course I ever made, every time I go to add a question.  This issue also makes it difficult to track down and fix possible errors in my quizzes, since I can no longer see where I pulled that question after I added it, and editing within quizzes does not adjust the original question in these banks.  I can handle renaming question bank folders within a course to quickly pull up questions in the manage-question-banks area, but I cannot figure out how to jump to just a single course's questions without sifting through random banks in disorganized course sorts.  There does not seem to be a course-by-course sort when I go to add questions to each quiz's groupings...if I knew that, perhaps I could get around this issue. 

Please provide suggestions or generate a workaround.  It is getting to the point that I may ask my school canvas overseer to delete every old course under my profile to stop having inappropriate quiz question options constantly popping up with every new assignment!  I shouldn't have to resort to this scenario.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @Lindsay1313,

Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to adjust the way Question Banks behave in Classic Quizzes.  If you switch from using Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes (if available to you, you may wat to ask your local school/institution Canvas team about this), the Item Bank functionality is a bit more granular, and you'll be able to filter for banks "shared" (or basically used in) the current course.  Since Classic Quizzes is not really being developed further at this point, I don't think Instructure will be making any major changes like this to that system, so switching to New Quizzes (again, if available to you), would be your best bet!

Hope this helps!


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