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I have an ongoing issue where one of my canvas classes has a constant alert in my Grades tab. I have tried viewing all my assignments and feedback one by one, but the "1" indicator by my grades never disappears. It's also visible from everywhere on t...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Whenever I click on a file or document in Canvas, it gets downloaded on my computer. What do I do to ensure that it doesn't get downloaded and rather instead opens up in a new tab? 

  • 2 Replies

I have weekly quizzes that students can do as many times as they want.  The quizzes use a variety of types of questions -- fill-in-the-blanks, dropdown menus, multiple choice, etc.  Each time students take the quiz, they do not see the correct answer...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am editing an existing page and I am deleting several course links in the Rich Content Editor. However, I can still see the old course links in the HTML editor. I am familiar with HTML and I am capable of editing the page. My question is, instead o...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I have an instructor having issues with their Kaltura Video Quiz not syncing with their Gradebook. I've attempted to recreate the issue and found no success. Students are able to submit their answers and it shows up as the Gradebook has synced...

  • 2 Replies

I am trying to add students to my course by adding them as a person/student. However, some of my students are not receiving any emails from Canvas. Is there another way to add students? Is it a lost cause? What should I do?

  • 4 Replies

I have a question about students responding to annotation comments.  This is problematic as faculty would need to be subscribed to submissions and I am not sure that they are always notified--it has not been consistent for me.  I have assignments whi...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, I published a quiz and students have taken the quiz.I want to regrade one of the questions such that all students have full credit.I follow the guidance on the regrade page, by making a modification of the question, and then chose "give full cred...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Why is there no spell check built in to the text editor?  Seems like we have to rely on the browser spellcheck which does not always work and is susceptible to firewall and other issues.  This seems like a basic function that would save time.  Please...

  • 1 Replies

I just want to make sure I understand sticky fields correctly: I think I understand if I make a manual change in the UI to a field that is "sticky", the next time I run an SIS CSV feed file manually or via SFTP, that field will not change to what is ...

  • 1 Replies

Hi, how can I do an automatic peer review within the team members?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Good Morning, I'm not sure if I am the only person having this issue but exam 1 is not showing up in any of the modules for EVRN 412. I have checked the SimU text and Visual classrooms for it but I don't see it anywhere. I know that on canvas it says...

  • 1 Replies

Instructor: Someone brought up this issue a couple of years ago...but the developers REALLY need to find a way in the Gradebook to either show the horizontal scrollbar when Gradebook is opened, or put it at the TOP of the page. In order to see (and g...

  • 1 Replies

The Quiz is blocked for students while it is published from my side how to let be available?

  • 2 Replies

I understand where and how to access the Access Report - However it would be useful to be able to see when the student FIRST viewed the page/content etc, not just the last time.Is that a possibility somewhere? And where can I suggest that be an added...

  • 3 Replies

I have signed into my canvas and authorized it too.  But I see that My media option is not available at all. I need My Media to add a new app and download it. Please help

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how do i create a file to be loaded in my discussion?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Canvas has a convenient way of inputting math formulas using LaTeX code.   Many of the features work well, but it seems not possible to enter Greek letters or math symbols in boldface.   There are LaTeX packages that allow \mathbf to work on Greek le...

  • 1 Replies

I get the following error, even though cookies are enabled: "Integration with your LMS requires that third-party cookies are enabled." What should I do?

  • 2 Replies

I do graded surveys during lectures and provide a due date and 'available until' date that ends just after class. Students complete the surveys during lecture to get a small amount of class credit.  The problem is some students leave the quiz open an...

  • 1 Replies

How do I grade on my Surface Pro with a styus? I tried clicking on the pen tool but it is very clunky. Grading with a stylus was so easy in Blackboard. It was almost like writing on a paper with a pen. If I needed to correct something, I just clicked...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I can see my subjects in the right hand side menu, but they are not displaying in the body of the calendar. I'm using Chrome browser, which I've just updated. How can I get the subjects to populate into the body of the Calendar?I've also cleaning the...

  • 1 Replies

A student was working on a module and then got locked out of it.  How do I unlock the module?

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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URGENT! We had a sudden and long break in the internet connectivity while students were taking their mid-term using Canvas Classic Quiz and being monitored by Proctorio. I printed the Canvas Quiz and students finished taking the mid-term using the pa...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, Are there any user permissions or other flags or settings to set the course user privilege  "limit this user to only see fellow section users".  On the add people screen this can be set manually, but I am wondering if there is a way to set thi...

  • 4 Replies

I have a TA who is having issue viewing their student's comments in SpeedGrader. The workaround they found was to view it by using the "Download Submission Comment" option, but they would like to view it on SpeedGrader itself rather than having to do...

  • 2 Replies

Hi all, I've been trying to use stylus to grade math papers with my HP Envy. My computer & stylus do great with all other programs but Canvas. When I try and use the pen tool in speedgrader, if I pick up the pen at all (even to create a T), it shifts...

  • 4 Replies

One of my students has reported that he cannot collapse the modules using the small arrow on each module.  I advised him to close the app, also to refresh his page, and even to empty the cache.  The report back is that it still doesn't work. The prob...

  • 2 Replies

I am a noob to the new quizzes feature and how it does item banks. With that out of the way...When I open the Item Banks link to build a new bank or look at existing banks, and I select "All Banks" I see ALL the banks from across my entire university...

  • 6 Replies

Hello!  Here's a puzzling issue associated with a Canvas assignment - it was changed from grading based on 10 points to complete/incomplete. All students received point-based grades but once the display grades changed to complete/incomplete, the grad...

  • 4 Replies