Prevent students from being able to see a test after they have taken it?

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Is there a way to prevent students from being able to look over an entire test after they have taken it? My district allows students to retake a test if they fail it, but some of them have figured out they can look over the failed test later at home and look up answers, then already know the answers when they retake it. I have tried multiple settings but cannot find a combination that works. Basically, I'd like them to see which questions they missed immediately after taking the test, but not later that evening or another day.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach



For a Classic Quiz, have you tried enabling the Quiz option "Let Students See Incorrect Responses", then checking the box "Only Once After Each Attempt" but then leaving the box "Let Students see Correct Answers" unchecked? Here are some instructions on how to find these quiz options.

For New Quizzes, you can use the "Restrict Student View" box. I would advise that students look at the test at school, then lock the settings so that they only see confirmation of their submission (uncheck all the boxes) -- here are some instructions on how to do this in New Quizzes.

Hope this helps!

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