Publishing issue

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I teach high school and have different campuses come to me for a STEM class. I cross-listed the classes in a particular hour instead of having multiple classes in the same hour. The issue is that my course doesn't show up on everyone's Canvas home page. It is as though I never published the course. Could this be if I didn't publish a class before I cross-listed? If so, is there a way to "un-Cross-list" so that I can publish to a particular class?

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach


Cross-listing two or more courses together moves all enrollments from one course to another.  For example, if you had three courses (A, B, and C), and you wanted to cross-list all of these courses together so that all enrollments from courses B and C flow into course A, you can do that.  Cross-listing does not move course content...only enrollments.  In this example, course A will be the only course that you and your students would see on your/their Canvas Dashboard.  Even though students registered for courses B and C, they will log into course A within Canvas.  You should be able to publish course A, and all students from all three courses would be able to access the content...provided that your course start date and access settings are correct within your course "Settings" screen.  You wouldn't need to publish courses B and C because you and your students wouldn't see those courses.  If you log into course A and look at your "People" page, you should see all students listed from courses A, B, and C.

Yes, there is a way to de-cross-list courses so that these three courses in my example would return to normal...i.e. three separate course shells.  But, you shouldn't need to do that just to make sure your courses are published.

I hope this helps to clarify things about cross-listing.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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Community Contributor


Make sure the students haven't "unfavorited" your course on their Dashboard so that the tile does not display. Have them go to Courses->All Courses to make sure they haven't just removed the course from the Dashboard view.

If an entire section is not able to see the course, have your institution's administrator check the account or subaccount to make sure there isn't an issue with that particular section.

Remember that all students will now see the same course (whichever you chose as the "parent" course) and the tiles for the other courses will disappear from your dashboard. The students should all see the same course tile (Course A in @Chris_Hofer 's example) and not the course tiles for their original course names/numbers.

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