Quick check tool

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I have created some quiz assignments using Quick check tool. 

I like its drag and drop feature.

In this semester, this tool has crashed at-least once a month.

Is this a "fragile" tool and do you recommend me to stop using it?

Anyone else has used it?

I am able to "grade" the assignments, it shows in the gradebook as well, i really wanted it to work.



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2 Solutions

Hello @cmirajkar ...

Thank you for your reply and sharing that screenshot.  The Quick Check tool you are referring to is definitely not an out-of-the box tool provided by Instructure (the folks that make Canvas).  It looks to be a third-party tool that can be integrated with Canvas.  It appears as though the button can be enabled in your course navigation menu...as shown in your included screenshots.  I've never used Quick Check before, so I wouldn't be able to speak to its capabilities.  I did a quick Google search, and I found the following website:

GitHub - IUeDS/quickcheck: LTI tool for formative assessment in Canvas

There is also a link to this included video:

Quick Check - Indiana University (kaltura.com)

Is this what you are using?  If so, it does look interesting, and I think I'll bring this to the attention of our Instructional Designers to see if they think it would be of value with our faculty.

You might need to contact the developer of this tool...as he would have better insights as to what might be causing the issues you are seeing on your end.

Good luck to you!

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@cmirajkar ...

Your best bet is to contact the developer in hopes that it can be fixed.  I see that Matt Mallon was the one who posted the tool to GitHub, and I found his contact information on Indiana University's website:

eLearning Design and Services, UITS: About IU Online: Teaching Online at IU: Indiana University

Maybe it would be worth a few minutes of your time to send him a quick e-mail explaining what you're seeing so that he could possibly help get this resolved for you.  My $0.02.  Good luck!

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