Quiz Banks

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Community Novice

I have created a quiz bank and linked the question group to the quiz.  However, when previewing the quiz, no questions show up.  What am I doing wrong?

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @LucilleHelpling 

Is this a classic quiz and you're using a question bank or a new quiz and an item bank? Presuming it is a classic with a question bank - it's possible you selected more questions than the question bank has. Go to edit and look at your questions - if this is the case there should be a notice that states "This question group is set to pick more questions than are available" and there would be a small exclamation mark. Here is the guide with a step by step process: 


If none of that appears to fix it, it would be best if you contact Canvas Support and they can take a look at the specifics of your course and assignment and provide better insight.


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