Quiz Passwords

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Reasonable new with Canvas and I teach algebra, calculus and statistics etc.

1) Is it possible to setup a Quiz by student?  This could allow a Quiz to have multiple quizzes accessible via passwords.

2) Is it possible to setup a SET of questions by student (not randomly selectable questions)?  Part of set of questions is the need to provide the same question but differing values for mathematical calculations such as 7x + 2 = 16 so what is x?  I'd like to vary the coefficients and numbers such that another student might be 8x + 3 = 19.

3) Is there a way to randomly calculate the coefficients of a math-type or science-type question?  Q2 above is a specific request to change the question selection or set of questions selection and this question refers to the ability to dynamically change the coefficients or other values in a question.

4) Can I setup a Quiz so that the password is used only once and then the password is reset via a Rule?  An example would be the initial password of "Charlie001" with the "Charlie" being constant and the "001" being randomly generated for the next person taking the quiz.  This could be beneficial in a remote or virtual setting to control access and sequence.

5) Can I password protect a quiz by class and still have the same quiz for all classes?

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @Hans_Solo 

I understand that you have some questions about quizzes. 

1) Is it possible to setup a Quiz by student?  This could allow a Quiz to have multiple quizzes accessible via passwords.

-I might not be reading this one correctly, Feel free to correct me if so. Quizzes will generally be set to allow everyone in your course to take a quiz. You can assign individual students to the quiz if you wish to have only a certain student take it. This would require you to set up individual quizzes for the student to take. If you want to have a certain student take individual quizzes, you would just need to assign them and them only to the quiz. HERE is a guide that goes over how to assign individual students to a quiz.  

2) Is it possible to setup a SET of questions by student (not randomly selectable questions)?  Part of set of questions is the need to provide the same question but differing values for mathematical calculations such as 7x + 2 = 16 so what is x?  I'd like to vary the coefficients and numbers such that another student might be 8x + 3 = 19.

-You can set up a quiz in Canvas and have it only pick specific questions. You would just set up the quiz, and either set it up the individual questions,  or have it pull individual questions from a bank like this guide suggests. If you pull them from a bank, it will randomize them, so setting them up individually would be best if you want to avoid that. Generally the quiz will be assigned to everyone in the course. If you only want a specific student to submit to the questions, you would just need to only assign it to them. If you have students that need to take specific quizzes, you will need to set each of the quizzes up individually and then assign just that student to the quiz. For questions that have varying answers, you'll have to setup the same question and make the changes to the answers on each of them. 

3) Is there a way to randomly calculate the coefficients of a math-type or science-type question?  Q2 above is a specific request to change the question selection or set of questions selection and this question refers to the ability to dynamically change the coefficients or other values in a question.

-I'm not entirely sure if it is possible to have Canvas randomly calculate the coefficients of math type or science type questions. When you say Math and Science type questions, are you talking about the Simple Formula and formula quiz question types? Can you provide us with more details on this question? We might be able to find some more information for you on that. 

4) Can I setup a Quiz so that the password is used only once and then the password is reset via a Rule?  An example would be the initial password of "Charlie001" with the "Charlie" being constant and the "001" being randomly generated for the next person taking the quiz.  This could be beneficial in a remote or virtual setting to control access and sequence.

-There is not a way to have Canvas automatically reset the quiz passcode with something like a rule. Currently, it will be set as you have entered it in the quiz restrictions to allow the student to access the quiz. If you need to have it change, you would need to manually change it by editing the quiz. 

5) Can I password protect a quiz by class and still have the same quiz for all classes?

-We might need to have to elaborate more on this one. With the passcodes that you set up in the quiz settings, it will apply to anyone that the quiz is assigned to. So if you have one course taking the quiz, and the same quiz setup in another course, the passcode will only apply to the course and roster that it is assigned to. You can have the same passcode for the quiz in one course and the other course, or you can give both of them different passcodes. 


Hopefully this helps! 


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Community Champion

@Hans_Solo @Agnes69 -

@ColtonSwapp has provided some good information and he would know more about the password changes.

As far as number 5 goes, If I understand this correctly, you would have to duplicate the quiz in each course and then in those individual courses could have their own passcode for the quiz.

If the courses are all cross-listed together, then a single quiz would be accessible at different times by all the sections; however, I believe that the same pass code would apply to all sections.

as for questions 2 and 3, I think I know what you are asking, but I will let you do some exploring on your own to see if you figure out a solution from the information about quiz questions in the links below:  Note - you did not specify classic or new quizzes, so I provided links to the main list of manual pages for New quizzes and classic quizzes from the instructors guide.

Instructors guide for New Quizzes

Instructors guide for Classic Quizzes

What you want to look at are the entries of "how do I create..."  These guides explain all the various types of questions available


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