Quiz Statistics

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Community Novice

The quiz guide does not show what I see in my canvas. I do not have access to anything but a page of stats that is not printable or downloadable, and it is by class only. I cannot get stats on individual students or on the overall performance across the classes. Also, what I see is different from what I saw last year.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @Pantaleo 

Thank you for contacting the Canvas Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with quiz stats. The different  view may be the classic vs. new quiz difference. If you are using classic, your view should look like this:


These  are not easily printable just as an FYI. You  would need to  take screenshots. 

If  you are using new quizzes, it should look like this: 


These are more user friendly in regards to printing and downloading. 

If none of these are helpful  or you still have questions, you may want to speak with the school help desk or canvas support directly who can walk you through it. 


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