RCE Magic: for FFT instructors who've ever lost their work & cried

Community Contributor

FFT (Free For Teachers) user, here.

Whaddya know, release notes have magic inside! (But you know, busy teaching and not particularly technical. And back in April, immersed in other stuff.)

When my computer crashes or my weary hand stupidly closes a window, and -- BOOM ! -- I've lost my draft "Week 07 Read Me First" page that was to be the headliner in my Week 07 Module, it's all I can do to hoist up my Big Girl Pants and not blubber. I won't say I always succeed.

But didja know? Didja know?

FFT instructors, we can enable a one-hour time machine by going to:

Settings > Feature Options tab . . .

. . . and then slide the "RCE Auto-Save" from black to GREEN.

Poof! Now, the wizards at Canvas might save your lost work and marbles one fine day. Or night.

That is, if your work had been inside a Rich Content Editor (RCE) window, like the ones in which you type your quiz and assignment instructions. And that page you saved earlier today, but in which you have been beavering away since, inserting many preciously captured links, images, and text. The RCE windows are those big, fat fields with the nice little toolbar on top that has icons for bold, italic, underline . . . insert URL . . . bullets . . . toggle to HTML . . . yadda, yadda.

Old news for the informed, but shiny and new for me, were these FFT release notes on April 8, 2020 by @scottdennis:


Posting here because it looks really quiet over there at FFT forum.

I stole this explanation from University of Delaware, because I don't have access to the "further info" link in Scott's post (Exception ID: 190D0814, for what it's worth):

New Rich Content Editor Auto Save
A new Auto-Save feature option is available if you are a user of the New Rich Content Editor (RCE).  If enabled in a course, when a user enters content into the editor window, the editor automatically saves the content for up to one hour if the user navigates away from the page.  If the user returns to the page within the hour, Canvas will notify the user if any saved content is different from the existing content. The user can preview the auto-saved content and select the Yes button to load the auto-saved content or the No button to discard the auto-saved content.

Possible magic. If you enable it.

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