Recuperar grabacion

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Hice algunas grabaciones en Big Blue Button (version gratuita) y se generó el enlace sin problema para que los alumnos los vean. Sin embargo, pasaron apenas 3 días y ya lo enlaces para ver la grabación está inhabilitada. ¿Cómo puedo recuperarlas? ¿Cuanto tiempo quedan las grabaciones guardadas en cada curso? Muchas gracias.


Translation from Google Translation:

I made some recordings on Big Blue Button (free version) and the link was generated without problem for the students to see. However, only 3 days have passed and the links to see the recording are now disabled. How can I get them back? How long are the recordings saved in each course? Thanks a lot.

1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@OscarFrias  Users of the free version of Big Blue Button will have recordings stored for seven days. If you're missing a recording from a conference that was concluded more recently than that, please use the pathway to support provided by your school to request assistance from Canvas Support in locating and retrieving the recordings. General instructions for contacting support are in How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?  and  ¿Cómo obtengo ayuda en Canvas como instructor? 

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