Restore graded rubric

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I made the mistake of modifying the rubric not knowing that by doing so all comments and grades would be removed.

Is there any way to restore the old rubric with the grades and comments?

Thank you in advance. 

2 Solutions
Community Contributor

Hi @Michstevens. In my experience, there is not a nice way to recover rubric comments/scoring when an in-use rubric is deleted/edited. We have been able to use our Beta Canvas environment to recreate the rubric comment/scores in Production Canvas if the assignment had been graded before Beta Canvas reset and the rubric wasn't deleted/edited until after Beta Canvas reset.

Essentially, you'd have SpeedGrader in Beta Canvas with the completed rubric/scores open on one screen and SpeedGrader in Prod Canvas with an empty, but restored rubric open on the other screen then copy/paste/enter the information from Beta to Prod. Obviously, this is not very feasible for courses with many students so a faculty member may just export/import assignment grades and forget about trying to recover the rubric comments/scores.


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Community Coach
Community Coach

That's an excellent suggestion, @Tasha_Biesinger. Another option, @Michstevens, is to try /undelete. This is a page that shows a list of recently deleted items in a Canvas course, with a "restore" button for each. To access the /undelete page, type "/undelete" after the end of your course's URL. That means immediately after the number in the URL (e.g., I tested this just now with a rubric that I had used to give students feedback and the feedback reappeared after I undeleted it.

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