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s there any way that I can provide the accommodations once and apply them to each quiz, or do I need to go into each quiz separately and apply the accommodations. 

  • 5 Replies

I am trying to see if we can set up a way of uploading work after lessons. Tasks are set during lessons and I want the pupils to quickly upload this work so I can view it. Any ideas on how this can be done? Thanks in advance.

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to manage the grading policy at the admin level? I seem to only see the options of manually or automatically setting grades at the assignment/teacher level.   help if you can,   Anthony

  • 3 Replies

A 30-question assignment was created with each question worth one point. The assignment is worth 100 points. Will a student only get 30 points if they answer each question correctly, even though the assignment is worth 100 points? Or does Canvas adju...

  • 8 Replies

I'm trying to determine whether it is possible for a student to see their Outcomes achievements as a whole for a program. I know students can see the Mastery Learning by course. In the scenario I'm proposing,  Outcomes are used and applied at a progr...

  • 4 Replies

Hi, I can not find the uploading SLR for the One click course. Please send an answer if anybody know. Thank you, Bushra.

  • 1 Replies

I set an assignment for my class. All except one student, who was experiencing connection trouble, successfully submitted their answer (typed directly as a text entry). I changed the due date on the assignment to give that one student more time, but ...

  • 2 Replies

Typing the letter N in the latex editor adds a new line above the edit controls behind the editor window rather than typing the letter n. Workaround: Type the letter n in the "Directly Edit LaTeX" section where it needs to me. This occurs in discussi...

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone. I'm trying this: 1) Export a quiz via export course content - quiz - select quiz, 2) Edit the xlm file for the questions (change some olds links for new links), and, 3) Update the quiz via import course content - QTI .zip file. In step 3...

  • 2 Replies

How can recent announcements be included in the Front page?

  • 6 Replies

How can I link from a page, assignment or module to recordings in the media gallery?

  • 4 Replies

I have accidentally deleted an assignment. The students had submitted it and I had marked the work. Can anyone help me urgently with this issue? Thank you.

  • 2 Replies

What happened to this? It became absolutely unusable. Previously when I typed the latex I saw it and could check the correctness of it, and to modify if it was necessary.

  • 20 Replies

Hi friends. I'm currently editing a course template* and was wondering if there was a way for designers to enter a date like Week 1, Wednesday so it would auto-populate in subsequent sections when it its published. Wishful thinking. I suppose. There ...

  • 3 Replies

I work at two different institutions and have the EXACT same HTML code copy and pasted verbatim. What I'm having issues with are a set of 6 boxes I have in quick links, like you would see on a phone (going for that look). Please see screenshots below...

  • 3 Replies

When a student uploads a revised file for the same assignment, Canvas will append a -# to the file name. For example, if my student uploads index.html and then reuploads a modified version, Canvas will title the file index-2.html.For one of my studen...

  • 3 Replies

 Hey everyone, I have made my payment in time and I have enrolled as an student. Also if the course is published, can all students see the course or he can make exceptions?

  • 1 Replies

I need to upload a video to my portfolio, but ... - There is no 'share' button underneath the video in My Media, to get a link to embed it in the rich content editor. - I do not have the options in the rich content editor to insert the video which I ...

  • 3 Replies

I am a teacher and have set a final exam up for students to have 2 attempts.  After they take 1 attempt and try the second, the screen shows 1 of 2 attempts taken, but also prints the following message:    You have already taken this quiz and will no...

  • 2 Replies

I'm having an issue with calendar entries.  When an event is created, the time does not remain on the entry and doesn't show on the calendar. I've tried on multiple faculty calendars, a student calendar, and my calendar.  Anyone else having this issu...

  • 2 Replies

I had an issue where the Canvas Assignment for a test, I couldn't submit it because it said specifically "Submit Failed, please try again". How do I fix this issue, and prevent it in the future?

  • 2 Replies

I am receiving an alert that states the question in my quiz could be considered bullying by some students and I should consider rephrasing. This alert is being attached to the question in the quiz and the students see this alert when they are reading...

  • 3 Replies

Hello Community, I have a few questions on Public access it isn't clear to me based on the existing guides, it would be good if someone has gone through this process and can offer some advice. In this guide it states "Public Course Index is currently...

  • 4 Replies

new student, email sent code to confirm, bur does not respons to confirm it. Help!

  • 1 Replies

1. I have not been asigned my course section for Corporate governance course- A, B, C or D?

  • 1 Replies

This is my personal email account connected to my Canvas. I am a college student and have taken courses with various institutions. I keep seeing to contact the school's local admin but my admin varies. I need to get into my account to complete an exa...

  • 2 Replies

I’m trying to pick colors for my courses. I chose the HTML color codes I wanted and applied them to each class, but then when I leave the calendar page it automatically reverts to whatever color is closest in the sample selection Canvas provides. Wha...

  • 1 Replies

I'm the admin of our Canvas instance and one of my teachers is not able to see the course navigation menu, when others are able to see it. Where I go to make sure he can see the menu that the other teachers can see?

  • 1 Replies

When I write an email to the entire class by selecting a course and selecting "All in Students" the "Send an individual message to each recipient" checkbox is selected and will not allow me to unselect it. As a result I get an email listed individual...

  • 6 Replies