Rubric Missing

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I am missing a rubric from Canvas assignments. I can see it in my Rubrics list. I have used it to grade twice before, but when I go to add it to a new assignment, it doesn't show up. It'll even say "Class Name: 6 Rubrics" but only 5 show up. Again, I've used it to grade, so I know it works. I just cannot add it to a new assignment–it doesn't even show up as an option. Any help, please? 


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There is a similar thread in the community right now about someone trying to import content and only two of the four rubrics are showing up. All four show up on the rubrics page.

It's certainly possible that there is a bug in Canvas Rubrics. Two similar requests so close together when I haven't seen any in a long time doesn't sound good. They're doing a redesign and might have messed something up.

But before we go there, there are a couple of things that come to mind.

The first is that finding a rubric in a course is notoriously difficult as the order of the courses appears to have no order. I even wrote a script that will sort the order of the rubrics when you go to find them so that the current context shows first. It could be that you're looking at the wrong course. It was a nightmare to tell them apart and I was pulling rubrics from the wrong classes before I wrote my script.

The second is since it's saying that there are six rubrics and only showing five, my question is whether one of those rubrics (the one not showing up) is an account-level rubric rather than a course-level rubric. An account-level rubric is one created at the account (or subaccount) level and available to everyone within that (sub)account. It's not part of the rubrics of the course but you can use it. If you use it within a course, then it will show up on the rubrics page, but not on the select content screen when importing content from one course to another.

However, in my testing, when I go to add an account-level rubric that is not currently used, it only shows up under the name of the (sub)account, not the name of the course, in the find a rubric dialog. However, once it is assigned to something, it shows up on the Rubrics page and in the find a rubric dialog (I did have to reload the page first). So as long as the you've used the rubric somewhere in the course and refreshed the assignment page after doing that, the count should match the number of rubrics shown.

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