SSO Integration with Canvas issues

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I have a user who is unable to log in to Canvas using the SSO. I had to add her staff account through Canvas. I did not set a password, but she is still unable to log into Canvas using her account credentials with our Office365 SSO. 

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1 Solution

Hello @ZachFricke , 

Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community to discuss your question regarding a user being unable to log into Canvas using the SSO. Did you add the user directly to Canvas manually or through syncing from a SIS? If you click on Admin - Authentication, is the “Forgot Password URL” blank or has it been set to reset passwords via Microsoft? If it is blank, and you use Canvas to reset passwords, all they need to do is click “forgot password” and reset the password via the Canvas email. If it is set through Microsoft, you’ll need to speak with them directly. You could try giving the user a password manually within Canvas by clicking on Admin - People - and entering the password on their user page if you have those admin permissions. If you do not, I would speak with a root level admin at the school directly about this.

Further, because of the complexity of the issue, and the concerns for privacy, it would be best if you contacted Canvas Support directly to pinpoint the source of the issue and provide a resolution:  How do I contact Canvas Support? - Instructure Community  . Support can review the particular user's login information as well. 

I hope this helps ! Again, thank you for reaching out to the Instructure Community. 

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