@ColtonSwapp thanks for the response. I've submitted a ticket to Canvas support, the case number is 08440257. I no
I suspect that GraphQL requires the access token to have permissions on some certain scopes in order to serve my query. However I could not figure out which scopes that I'm missing. I notice there's another question about GraphQL and scoping in the forum: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Developers-Group/How-does-GraphQL-and-Scoping-work/m-p/234...
FWIW, this is the GraphQL query that I'm sending:
query MyQuery {
legacyNode(_id: "106", type: User) {
... on User {
And here's the list of scopes that we requested for our access token in OAuth2 flow:
scopes = [
My assumption is that the last 2 scopes should be enough for us to retrieve the data of the query.