Sections and Modules

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I've been reading about Sections but don't quite understand them.  My issue is I am teaching two classes concurrently.  Each Canvas course correlates to a three week in-class session for one class then the second class rotates in for the same material.  Rather than create a separate Canvas course for each class I am trying to use Sections to separate them for the specific purpose of publishing Modules as the course progresses.  I hate having the second class start and having all of the Modules unlocked on the first day because the material builds on itself throughout the course.  Is there any way I can leave Cohort A Modules unlocked after they complete the class so they can reference back to them but leave the same Modules locked for Cohort B to be unlocked as the course progresses?  Thanks!

1 Solution
Community Member

You can assign the modules separately to each group.  If they're in sections because you crosslisted them, then you need to do nothing.  If they're not, create sections and assign separately. 

Also, in modules, set requirements.  This paces students.  They cannot open one module until they've completed the first one.  You can control what they see.  You can make one assignment in the module with an older date, then the students cannot move past that until you change the date and you complete it.  Go into Canvas help in your global navigation and take a 30 minute instructional workshop on the topic if you need help.  It's really not hard to do.  Good luck.

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