Self-Join setting

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We have some courses, like staff pd, that we have students self-join.  That option is now gone from all our teachers.  I can see in the instructor guide that it can be turned off for the institution.  Is this a new setting?  I can't find it on my admin settings.   Our courses that are already setup for self-join still work but we can't seem to create any more?  Any suggestions?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

OK just so everyone sees the final resolution.  Our option to allow Self Join is set to Manually Created Courses.  We had added a SIS id on a course so that we could import a large group of students.  As soon as you add a SIS ID, it no longer treats the course as Manually Created  even if the Subaccount still says Manually Created.  When we remove the SIS ID, the options are there.  Something I did not know.

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