Speed Grader not displaying text files, such as program source code

Community Participant

Last spring Speed Grader started refusing to display text files that didn't have a .txt extension, such as C, Python, and Java program source code. At the time, Canvas "fixed" the issue and restored the ability to see and annotate such files.

Here's the Community discussion about this issue: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Question-Forum/Speed-Grader-not-allowing-annotations/m-p/6...

This fall, it appears that the problem has returned. I'm not able to see any of my students' program submissions. Being able to annotate such files is essential functionality for myself and untold number of other instructors. 

A possible workaround is to download the student's submission, turn it into a PDF, then upload it as a Speed Grader comment. However, this process won't let me annotate using Speed Grader's tools.

Please, Canvas, restore the ability to annotate non-txt text files!

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