Student comments on assignments - find?

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Community Novice

How do I see student comments on assignments? They can find a link to my comments on their grade list, but I don't have a place to access (or even know they've made) student comments on assignments without going through each person on SpeedGrader.

Is there an easier way to get notified?

3 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Hello  @mcassani  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thanks for posting your question.  In your school's Canvas environment, click on "Account" (left hand global navigation) and then "Notifications".  Under the "Course Activities" section of the table, find the row for "Submission Comment".  This is the row where you can choose how you'd like to be notified about comments to assignment submissions (and how often).  This Guide explains this in more detail: How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as an instructor?.  If you want to add additional contact methods (for example, another e-mail address or your cell phone number), you can do that via these Guides:

How do I add an additional email address as a contact method in Canvas as an instructor? 

How do I add a text (SMS) contact method in Canvas as an instructor? 

After you've chosen all the contact methods, then return to that first link I provided, and you'll see a column for each contact method you added.  Just choose the frequency of those notifications for the "Submission Comment" row, and you should be set to go.

Hope this helps, Mary.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

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Community Participant

Canvas notifications are notoriously poor and useless when it comes to submission comments.

A better solution is to use the Canvas Inbox to filter out submission comments:

Click on the Inbox. Then, in the top left, change "Inbox" to "Submission Comments".

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Hello there, @ppg22 ...

Sorry to see that nobody has replied to your question until now.  Unfortunately, the vast majority of Canvas Community members wouldn't have access to your school's Canvas environment or your course 10497 in question.  Hopefully by now, however, you've been able to resolve this issue to see comments from your students.  If not, I would recommend that you reach out to Canvas Support so that they might be able to log into your course with you to see what might be going on.  You can contact them via the "Help" menu on the left-hand side of your global navigation bar within Canvas.  How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor? - Instructure Community

I hope this will be of help to you, Pranav.  Let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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