Student outcome report

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I am writing to seek guidance on an issue that I have encountered while using the Student Outcome Report feature in Canvas. I have set up all the outcomes for our institution's courses and units, but I am unable to view specific outcomes for a student enrolled in a particular course or unit.

When I try to view a student outcome report, it shows all of our institution's units but not the specific unit that the student is enrolled in. Additionally, the report cannot be filtered to show only the outcomes of the student enrolling in a particular course or unit.

As a teacher, it is crucial for me to view the outcomes that are relevant to each student and the course they are enrolled in. I am uncertain if I am doing anything wrong, and I would appreciate any guidance you can provide on how to address this issue.

Has anyone else encountered this issue before? Is there a solution that I am not aware of? I would appreciate any feedback or advice you can offer to help me resolve this problem.

1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

I've asked this question myself, @EsonTan0307, and it took me several attempts before I became comfortable with using the Outcomes tool to help me assess whether my students are achieving my course learning outcomes. Here is the overview that I present when helping other faculty do the same:

Outcomes in Canvas are useless unless they are attached to a Rubric that is used to assess an Assignment, and that is the order I encourage faculty to use (import or create the Outcomes first, then decide how students will demonstrate they've achieved the outcome, then create an Assignment for that demonstration, then create a Rubric that has the Outcome as one of its criteria). What I like about this is documenting outcome achievement is included as I provide feedback in the SpeedGrader for student submissions. If any part of the Assignment+Rubric+Outcome connection is not complete, the reports page will not have useful data.

Based on my understanding of your question, I'm going to mark my response as a solution. If it's not, feel free to unmark it as such but also reply with additional information so I (and other community members) can provide a better answer to your question.

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