Student took a locked quiz. How?

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This is a first. I have my chapter quizzes set up for the entire semester, set to unlock on specific dates. My first class hasn't even met yet for the semester, and I just published the course.

A student has managed to take the first quiz, even though it won't unlock until tomorrow. I've double and triple checked, and it's not available until tomorrow. I tried logging in as a student, and it shows as locked. But a student took it yesterday and has a score.

How did they do this? How can I make sure a locked quiz is really locked for all students?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello @erica_wagner 

I am sorry your question has gone so long without an answer! Hopefully I can provide some insight.

Normally when I see this happen it's one of two things. 

  1. The test was created/added to the course and the student accessed it before the lock date was placed on it. 
  2. The student took the course previously and the course shell is being recycled for a new term. 

It was really take some hands on investigation to determine what the exact cause was so I was advise reaching out to Canvas Support when and if something like this comes up. However due to the amount of time that has passed since this occurred that data likely isn't available any more. Once you are 30 days or more out from when a problem occurred it's hard to track down.

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