TA Roles & Accessiblity

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Hi everyone, 

I'm working on a canvas page that I'm using as base communication for my group, and I was just recent approved the page and have TA access. After taking hours of searching through what I can and can't do, I still don't see any definite list of things I have the ability to do within the TA role. Does anyone know what gets restricted when you are a TA? Also is there a way for my teacher to grant me access to those boundaries without changing my role to teacher mode?    

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Community Coach
Community Coach


You probably won't find much info on something like that because school/institution Canvas teams can customize the TA permissions pretty widely.  For my institution, a full TA role has basically the same permissions as a Teacher minus the ability to publish the course.  We have other TA roles with much more restricted permissions.  You'll need to reach out to your local team usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) to see if they can give you more information on the permissions they have set up for your role.  Similarly, enrollment processes and rules vary by school/institution, so they could also let you know if your teacher could switch you to a different role, if they'd need to do that, or is TA would be the only possible role for you.

I hope this answer helps.  I know it's not exact, but it's the most accurate thing we can really say from the general perspective we all have here in the community.


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