Templating a Course Calendar

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I'm an Instructor in adult education, and I've recently been designated as my campus's Canvas Admin. My department teaches the same seven Courses over the course of our program, so every single student cohort has the same course content. I'm working on the "sandbox" versions, which we'd just import into a new course when one is created. 

I want to populate the Calendar with topic headers for each day to help my instructors pace their lectures (e.g. "On Tuesday we're covering topic X") and help the students plan ahead. Is there a way to do this? I can't seem to do anything Calendar-related with courses that aren't published. I've thought about assignment due dates, since they'll automatically shift when importing the course, but I don't want to create a bunch of non-existent assignments just to replace one problem with another.


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1 Solution

Hello @BensonBC 

I know with templates in Canvas, you can add a calendar event to the template course and when a new course is created, the event will also appear in courses that the template was used in. I tested this in my Sandbox environment and witnessed that when a new course is created, it also has the event I setup from the template side. 

HERE is a resource comparison of what is shared with courses using a template course. 

Another option you could play with would be the account level calendar. HERE is a guide on that option. 

Hopefully this helps!


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