Community Member

Not even real sure it is that selection but it is for my Masters program at ASU in Arkansas.......on the discussion board, I am looking for create thread - how do I do that?  I can NOT find that button any where.  On Blackboard - it was in the middle of the page but I am NOT finding CREATE thread anywhere......I see where I can reply to others messages but I can NOT create my own.  HELP!!!!!

1 Solution

@PeggyR ...

Thanks for providing your example.  Discussion topics in Canvas don't work exactly how you've expereinced them in Blackboard.  Discussion topics in Canvas are designed, generally, to be one per topic.  One of the reasons for this is because you can mark any individual discussion topic as "Graded" so that it would appear in your course Gradebook.  If you had one Discussion topic with several different threads in it, and you made that single topic graded, how would students know which thread within the topic was that one that was graded?  That is just one initial thought I had related to Discussion topics.  So, my recommendation is to create as many Discussion topics as you need (ex: one for "Memory Devices for Classification Categories", another for "Memory Devices for DNA Complementary Bases", etc.), and then put those topics into the modules of your "Modules" index the order that you want.

Now...all that being said, you *could* create a single Discussion topic in your Canvas course.  Call it "Memory Devices", for example.  Then, before you "publish" the topic so that students can start replying, you could create several replies within that topic that are all from you.  See the below screenshot:

Screenshot 2024-01-19 171952.png

In each reply that I created, I had to do all the resizing and bolding of the font to make it look like a topic heading.  Also, you'll notice that there is a "Reply" link under each of my replies.  These are what the students would use to reply to each of your replies.  However, there is also a "Reply" button at the top of the Discussion topic.  You can't get rid of this, and some students might select this button instead of the "Reply" links.  That "Reply" button would put any student replies at the same level of indentation as your original replies...assuming that you were wanting to keep all the replies in a threaded format.

So, as you can see, there would be a little extra work involved here, and doing it this way could REALLY make your discussion topics very long.  That's yet another reason why keeping each topic in its own Discussion item is a much better way to go, IMHO.

I hope this will be of some help to you.  Sing out if you have any other questions about this...thanks!

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