Unaccepted course invitations

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We have students and staff who are added manually into Canvas courses with either their email or SIS ID.

Is there a way of obtaining distinguishable data for users who have been added into their course by either ID or Username, even if they haven't accepted the invitation to their course?

Is this something that can be shown in New Analytics or picked up in SQL data? 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @BelleWi11,

If you're a Canvas admin with the proper permissions, form the account settings area, you can go to the reports tab, and run the provisioning reporting, selecting "enrollments" as the option.  You'll get a CSV file with a bunch of info for all enrollments in the account (course, user_id, status, etc).  The status column will show "invited" for the pending/unaccepted enrollments, which seems to be what you're mainly looking to get.

I hope this info helps, let us know when you get a chance!


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