Unexpected Error - 925587657 - Quiz Bank

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Any ideas how to resolve this Unexpected Error - 925587657 - when I try editing the title for a quiz item?  I am unable to edit the title.

The item is from an imported quiz - and the error DOES NOT always occur.  Within the same bank, I can sometimes edit the title, and sometimes I cannot. 


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @romero_martin,

Unfortunately, I think that's something you'll need to contact Canvas support to have them investigate and hopefully get resolved.  In my experience, error numbers like that in Canvas are more like log numbers, but nobody other than Instructure themselves really have access to the logs to see what is going on.  The community here is generally comprised of other Canvas and Instructure product users, which means you can get a lot of general questions answered, but usually not something like the error you're getting.

I hope this helps a bit.


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