Update Points for Multiple Choice Quiz without Manually Regrading

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I currently teach a large undergraduate lecture section. I recently attempted to adjust the number of points that each question was worth in several of my quizzes in the course to make all of the quizzes worth a uniform value. After inputting new point values for my quizzes, Canvas has now marked each quiz as ungraded and now requires manual grading, despite all of the questions being multiple choice questions.

In order to adjust each of my quizzes' point values for all of my quizzes, I would need to manually regrade over 4,000 quizzes with multiple questions in each quiz, again despite all questions in all quizzes being multiple choice. This could easily mean manually regrading over 12,000 questions, all for a quiz that was originally automatically graded.

Adjusting point values for questions is something that would have been very easy to do using Blackboard when my institution used that LMS, and without manually regrading 4,000 quizzes. Is there any way to do this in Canvas?

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

Hi @awc,

I'm guessing you're using Classic Quizzes in Canvas right now, where this is definitely a pain point.  If you have New Quizzes available in your Canvas course, this gets significantly easier to do because question points are no longer tied directly to overall quiz points.  You can set up a New Quiz assignment to be worth 100 points, but only have 10 1-point questions and everything will scale appropriately (by percentage). I know this isn't necessarily a solution to your direct current issue, but it's probably the best way to do things in the future, as Classic Quizzes are not likely to receive any new features or changes at this point.

Hope this helps! a bit!  Others are free to offer additional guidance about possible fixes or workarounds for Classic Quizzes.


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