User Bulk Suspend

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I need help in suspending users from Canvas for clean-up purposes. How do I bulk delete users that are no longer being used? Thank you

2 Solutions
Community Coach
Community Coach


If your users were created using the SIS Import tool, you can upload a list of users with a status of "deleted" as a CSV file in order to mark them as a deleted and no longer available on the system.  The file format for user files (with an explanation of all the fields) is at

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Hi @BISADMINLMS2023 , thank you for your query.

if you're looking for users not to be able to access Canvas BUT still want to leave enrollment information and analytical data in Canvas, I'd suggest updating the user status to suspended. You can also manually do this from the Canvas UI
If you're looking for users who cannot access Canvas AND don't want any information in the Canvas UI, I suggest updating the user status to "deleted". You can also manually do this from the Canvas UI

*note: You can only bring back deleted users via the CSV import method so ensure all users have a sis_id before deletion.


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