Using Speedgrader in Canvas - assignment average

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I am using Speedgrader in Canvas (especially with Turnitin for essay submissions), and I would like to be able to exclude the 0 grades for students who did not submit the assignment from the calculation of the assignment average that is posted at the top of the Speedgrader page. Is that possible?

1 Solution

Hello @lorraine_carey

Thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately, there isn't a way to do this once you grade the submission. The average in the speedgrader is calculated from the graded submissions; you marking a submission with a zero is grading the submission. If you don't want the submission to be calculated in the average, then you will need to leave that submission un-graded. We are so sorry for the inconvenience.

While this may not be possible at this time, we will also recommend that you leave any suggestions for improvement here.
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