WHY doesn't Canvas auto-save unsaved quiz questions?

Community Explorer

Surely I'm not the only person who has had that problem: when you're writing a quiz question in Canvas but forget to click the "Save" button for that particular question, the question disappears without a trace when you "Save" or "Save and Publish" the entire quiz.

This is MADDENING. I have lost so much work and wasted so much time this way!

Even more confusing is when you're writing a quiz question with "Answer Comments." Those answer comments have to be saved separately from the question itself. If you save the Answer Comments but then forget to save the quiz question itself, then the whole question (including the answer comments) disappears. Or, if you save the quiz question but not the answer comments, then the answer comments disappear. 

That means you have to save three times in the exact right order - from the inside out -  or you lose your work as a result of your attempt to save your work:
1. You must first save the Answer Comments.
2. Then, you must save the quiz question itself.
3. Finally, then and only then, can you save the whole quiz. 

Please, please, please stop this madness. Saving the quiz should also save any unsaved quiz questions and answer comments. At least, please save them as a draft or something! 

Or, if for some reason that is impossible, then at LEAST add a warning - "You have unsaved content; are you sure you want to navigate away"? That would be so easy to add and would prevent so many headaches! Canvas already does this for navigating away from unsaved Assignment Comments, which are generally much shorter and represent much less effort than an entire quiz question.

A repeatedly frustrated instructor who just lost 20 minutes of work 😞