Why is there zero checking of the inputs.

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I've always wondered way there's zero error capture on initial input(s).  Typically, when one programs - you assume that the user will make mistakes and not allow for 'simple' mistakes in the first place.

Eg:  You have a field that is asking for a numerical value.  So you do not allow for non-numeric input. 

So I saw:  https://www.reddit.com/r/college/comments/15gypxq/biology_professor_gave_me_a_57510_on_a_quiz_by/

And thought, so it's not just me. 

Question:  Why can't the software not allow for 'wrong' values.  If I create an assignment/quiz/etc, I have to provide for a max value - so why would the platform allow for a value above this?

Seems a bit sloppy and an easy fix?

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I see:  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Ideas/Gradebook-quot-Unusually-High-quot-or-Excessive-Poin...

Seems like this is a UX issue after all.  But poor design/engineering and ... well, here we are I suppose.

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