Would like to be able to see any course in my organization

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In our previous system (Blackbaud), I could look up any teacher's courses and click on their public view of their class page and all its linked topics, etc. This was especially useful as an Advisor and as a Department Chair. Would like a directory of our organization's teachers by which we could navigate to view their course materials. 

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @ShaunaTurnbull,

You'd likely want to work with your institution's Canvas team (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas) on this.  They may be able to make you a limited Canvas admin to view some things.  By default, everything in a Canvas course is private and only made available to admins or those with enrollments in the course.  There is an option to make a course public, but that's pretty rarely used for actual courses.  The admin route would be the way to go if it fits in with your institution's policies and procedures.

Hope this helps!


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