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HiI have managed to import a SCORM package as a graded assignment in Canvas. It appears in the Assignments page correctly. It contains two self-marking quizzes which I can take and see my score as test student. But nothing gets recorded in the gradeb...

  • 2 Replies

sorry i missed my homework. something bad happened to me. Please open my homework so I can do it even if it's late. thank you

  • 1 Replies

I am grading with rubrics and Complete/Incomplete. Is the rubric grade ultimately what is used in the gradebook or is it all (100%) or nothing (0%). On the grade book I only see the check or X but within speedgrader I see the grade on the rubric. For...

  • 1 Replies

PSA: I'm a newbe to Canvas.I would like to repost a completed quiz and give students another shot at it. However, I would like to retain their scores to both attempts. Can I do this by, say, copying the quiz to a new quiz?  If so, HOW? This would be ...

  • 8 Replies

I recently gave a quiz question that required computation of the negative of the square of a number. For example, the formula I entered was -b^2. The normal protocol is to perform the power operation first, and then make the result a negative. Canvas...

  • 1 Replies

Is it possible to remove the overall percentage from showing in a Canvas course or at least make it optional. We grade on the 4 point scale and having to translate the 4 point scale to a 100% scale is confusing to parents who understand the tradition...

  • 4 Replies

Hello,I'm having a "Comment Error" issue. As I'm issuing comments in the Speedgrader and I go to press enter to save them, I'm getting an "error can't be saved" message and it just goes away. This is happening across computers for me and sometimes as...

  • 1 Replies

I am unable to get the dropdown of Associated and Unassociated choices within Manage Subjects > Assignments > More options, to show anything other than Unassociated.  I am aware that my Infinite Campus grade weights need to be set up as well as the s...

  • 2 Replies

Hi I am a student and I do not know how to see my course rosters. Like i can see them for some classes, but not for others. How do I get to them? Any information will help! Thank you so much!

  • 1 Replies

Hello,I am grading a group assignment, however one group member didn't participate. When I go in and change the individual grade for that one group member to 0, it's changing the grade of all group members to 0. Please help.Thanks, Nadine 

  • 3 Replies

I don't see the same options that are given as answers to allow students to take an extra attempt...

  • 2 Replies

It would be great if there was a way to mass deselect late and missing assignments. I have to use a linked app (Amplify) to passback grades to Canvas and each time it marks student work as late. I then have to go assignment by assignment and change i...

  • 1 Replies

Hi everyone,1 - Using the enrollments endpoint I can get the total_activity_time and last_activity_at.2 - Using the analytics endpoint I can get the time each page view happened.I need also the duration of each activity by date per StudentEnrollment....

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Canvas Question Forum
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Because Canvas doesn't have a way to mark work due during the last week of 1st term as counting for 2nd term, I've put assignments due right before the end of term as having a due date when the next term starts (By the way, why can't we make an assig...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,I'm trying to set an assignment with optional questions (e.g. the best 3 answers out of 4 questions will be considered for the assignment).Is there a way to select a rubric where I can assign marks to various questions (e.g. 4) but only conside...

  • 1 Replies

Hi,How do I add my daughter's courses to my list?

  • 1 Replies

I changed my attendance to be ungraded, but still want to see how many days each student has missed. The attendance report is unwieldy. Anyone know an easy way to see # of absences per student in Canvas? Thanks!S-

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hello, Is there any way to remove the icon that is now showing up next to all external links in Canvas, since it was updated within the 9-28-22 release? The icon is showing up on the links on Canvas login page too. We have tried a few things, as sugg...

  • 7 Replies

Hello everyone,I am an admin in Canvas and I am aware of how to see what each student and teacher is up to in terms logging in and out and the time spent in each section. But is there any way in which we can extract this data in general terms, and no...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi everybody,I wonder why students can edit and delete appointment groups that I've created. When I test my appointment group with a test account as a student, this test student can edit and even delete the whole appointment group.Actually I just wan...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,I am in a situation where a very large quantity of students in my course have changed status to "Inactive". I would like to change their status back to active, but I only seem to be able to this for one student at a time by clicking them one by on...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 1 Replies

I want to have two quizzes that are timed.  The first one has 1 attempt and a maximum time of say 2 hours.  The second quiz will have 1 attempt and a maximum time allowed of 5 minutes. I want to start the the second quiz automatically for the student...

  • 2 Replies

How do I book a meeting with my state manager on canvas?

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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Compass allows multiple choice with weighted answers. Canvas only lets you have one right answer or several, but not weighted. This is a big loss. Can you please correct it?

  • 1 Replies

I am attempting to rewrite, in New Quizzes, some formula questions that I've composed in Classic Quizzes.  The formula syntax I've used previously in Classic Quizzes all works fine except for the sort() function.  In Classic Quizzes the expressionnew...

Community Member
Canvas Question Forum
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Hi,I was checking some outputs and left for a while. When I returned to resume my checking in a new assignment tab, it only shows Test Student. All the submitted outputs won't show, but before clicking Speedgrader, it says there are submitted and gra...

  • 1 Replies
  • 1 Replies

how can check on my assignments is correct? because I have two more try until the due date.

  • 1 Replies

I've completed my instructor bio but when I go in "student view", I don't see anywhere for student to access my bio. How do students view instructor bio? 

  • 3 Replies

In my production Canvas, I have a term and a course belonging to that term. I need to upload an SIS import for users and enrollments. I want to make sure the SIS import I upload does not affect any other parts of my production Canvas. I have a couple...

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