gradebook inactive students

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Students who have transferred class periods are showing up in both class periods on the grade book view, where next to their name it says that they are enrolled in both periods. These students do not show up in speedgrade under both periods though. 

I made sure that I did not have "show inactive enrollments" checked but that did not change anything.

2 Solutions

"Concluded" is not the same as "inactive" in Canvas.  It sounds like your SIS integration (that handles the automatic enrollments from your student information system into Canvas) is now sending something different when students switch sections.  You'll want to contact Canvas Support at your school to check on this...

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I don't know what got updated, but now Canvas is back to only showing students in the class they are currently assigned while in the Canvas grade book. I haven't changed anything, and it still says both classes that the students has been enrolled in next to their name - but they are only showing up in one grade book. This is a good thing! But I wanted to let you know that it fixed itself or someone, somewhere fixed something.

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