how to get student orientation

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I am a new student and never did any online course before. Cant find my course and how to access the orientation. Can you please help me.



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Community Coach
Community Coach

Good afternoon, @NaofaNikhat ...

I think you'll need to speak with folks at Anne Arundel Community College about your Canvas Community members only have access to their own Canvas environments.  We do not have access to Anne Arundel Community College's Canvas environment.  I was able to find a great page on their website which has some resources for you...including contact info (under the "QUESTIONS?" box on the right side of the screen).  Canvas LMS - Anne Arundel Community College (

Also, I would recommend that you watch this set of six videos.  This will give you some general guidance on what the Canvas environment looks like and how to use it.  However, specific questions about your course content/curriculum should be addressed with your instructor(s).  Getting Started with Canvas as a Student [Videos] - Instructure Community (

I hope these resources will be of help to you.  Let Community members know if we can do anything else to help out...thanks!

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