image will not load

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I am trying to load a photo to my profile, and it will not load.  It is stuck saying "loading image".


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1 Solution

Hello @tomvis 

Thanks for posting this in the Canvas Community! 

I am sorry you are having trouble with the photo on your Profile. 

There are a couple things you might be able to troubleshoot on your end. 

  1. File storage: When you upload a file such as a profile picture, it will take up space in your Canvas account. If you have used up the storage quota you were assigned by your institution, you won't be able to upload it. (Typically you will receive a 400 error) You can check this by clicking on the Account button and selecting Files. In this area you can view your user quota and what percentage of that quota has been used. 
  2. File size: How large is the photo you are trying to upload for your profile? Canvas recommends that your profile picture be as small as possible.
  3. Browser Cache: Sometimes when you try and upload something such as a profile picture or file, your browser can occasionally time out due to cache it has collected over time. Since it says it is "loading" you might have better results after clearing your browsers cache and cookies and attempting again. Here are the Canvas guides for MAC and PC devices. Be sure to select "All Time" in the time range to ensure the best results after. 

If you are still running into issues with the image uploading, It might be best to have Canvas support take a look to see what the issue is. 

Let us know what you find out on this! 


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