impossible to create a canvas account and be an observer

Community Novice

i have been in IT for 40 years so not exactly a computer nubbie.

there seems to be at least 2 ways thru the portal to make an account.  i tried both.  both either say i have an invalid pairing code, which i dont, its current, the other web form just gives an ambiguous "there is a problem, try later" 😕  there is NO help available it seems unless you are an educator.

so as a parent, i expect the school to actually teach my child so that i dont have to micromanage it, i have a day job, but if i am forced to, then whatever platform we need to use, it cant be hours of struggle to go around in circles to get an account setup.  i have seen canvas on another device and its very complicated to just maintain kids work load.

not impressed.

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