orientation assignment

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How do I upload completed 'letter to GOD' orientation assignment to canvas from my Mac? 

Do I have to have Microsoft office word first to do that?


Vivencio Fresnido

2 Solutions
Panda Pros
Panda Pros

Hello @VivencioFresnid and welcome to the Community.  From your question, I'm assuming that you are a student.  Here are the directions for adding an assignment from Office https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-upload-a-file-from-Microsoft-Office-365-as....


Here is a link to the Student Guide on the iOS app.  https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Student-iOS-Guide/tkb-p/student_ios#Assignments

I hope one or both of these help you!  Good luck in your studies!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @VivencioFresnid,

In addition to the info provided by @jcarpenter1, I wanted to say that I'd encourage you to reach out to your teacher to ask about questions like this as well.  Instructure Community members are generally other Canvas users from around the world, and don't have any access to your specific assignments.  We can sometimes give some pretty good answers for general questions, but your teacher may want you to do things in a certain way that community members wouldn't know about.

Good luck with your class(es)!


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