"Denied Access" for material shared between instructors

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Good morning all!

I am trying to receive course material from another instructor at my school (common assessments), but I receiving an "Access Denied" message when I try to access the material.

We checked the steps on her end to ensure the sending process is correct - and it is. I see the material in my "SHARED CONTENT". I can also IMPORT the material from my shared content. 

I can see the import was successful, but...

1. It is not showing up in my canvas course in the designated import location.

2. If I click on the link from the IMPORT CONTENT screen, I am then told that ACCESS is DENIED.

3. I also cannot PREVIEW the resource (unsure if that is a connected issue).


Thank you for any advice you can give!!

Kat Gorringe

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1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi Kat,

I can't test my idea, but I think I know what might be happening.  

As this is a respondus / lockdown assignment, I am guessing the assignment was made using "external tool" as the submission type, or at least not a canvas native one.  My guess is that the canvas assignment is being partially copied over, in that the shell of the assignment in canvas is copied, but it might be pointing to the same original respondus assignment in the original course.  

If this is the case, you might be able to test it:

  1. In the original course (your colleague's course) where the assignment was located, go to settings.
  2. Change the visibility to institution
  3. Try to access the assignment again from your course
  4. If you can now access it, then my guess is correct, and the assignment did not copy fully.  That means that until Canvas fix this issue, you would have to copy the assignment another way (manually maybe).
  5. If you can't access it, I'm wrong
  6. Change visibility settings back to what they were

Hope this helps

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