"Target container is not a dom element"

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I am not someone who is good at creating HTML coding but really would like to be able to create TABS at the top of a page in Canvas LMS. I created a page with 4 tabs (quite proud of myself), but when I went to save I recieved the following message and could not see the page I had just created.

---> "Target container is not a dom element in canvas react"


Can someone help? or where do I find help?

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

Hi there, @SHANNONGATES ...

Have you tried code like this?

<div class="enhanceable_content tabs">
        <li><a href="#fragment-1">PUT TITLE FOR TAB 1 HERE</a></li>
        <li><a href="#fragment-2">PUT TITLE FOR TAB 2 HERE</a></li>
        <li><a href="#fragment-3">PUT TITLE FOR TAB 3 HERE</a></li>
    <div id="fragment-1">PUT THE CONTENT FOR THE FIRST TAB HERE</div>
    <div id="fragment-2">PUT THE CONTENT FOR THE SECOND TAB HERE.</div>
    <div id="fragment-3">PUT THE CONTENT FOR THE THIRD TAB HERE</div>

I'd also encourage you to read through Solved: HTML to Create Tabs That Work for Keyboard Navigat... - Instructure Community - 618307 because there is a good posting from @seanbeirnes about jQuery related to tabs.  There is also some good information from @James posted in this archived thread: Solved: [ARCHIVED] Formatting tabs in Canvas page - Instructure Community - 197474.

I hope this will be of some help to you.

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