sending emails to a group

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I would like to send an email to one class in the cohort 


2 Solutions
Community Member

@WendyFoote wrote: Dinar Guru

I would like to send an email to one class in the cohort 


1) Select the inbox 2) Select the pencil and paper icon which it would say “ Compose a new message” Page 2 3) Select your Course you want to send the email to. 4) Click on the icon that look like a person on a notebook in the “TO” section. 5) Click on Students Page 3 6) You would select All in Students.

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @WendyFoote,

In addition to the steps posted by @Clarencehype148, you could select "sections" for step 5 if your course is separated out that way.  It's hard to know how your school has set up Canvas courses and enrollments, so I wanted to offer this as an additional option that may work for you or others.


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