Studio Media Options panel will not close when Display Text Link is marked.

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We're trying to figure out how to translate our design standards, and we really like having both a text link that opens in a new window, and the embedded video option for students. 

I thought that was impossible while maintaining the insights & grading features, but I was excited to see that when you click the embedded video in the editor, you get "Studio Media Options" and this panel has a "Display Text Link" option that works! 

However, as soon as you click "Done" on the panel, the video turns to a text link, but the panel will not close, so you cannot save the Canvas page with your video link. 

Using Chrome's inspect feature, I was able to turn off the panel and click Save. 

I tested this with the Studio Insights and I know they still work with the link, so we'd like to use this, but this bug should be squashed 🙂


(also attached same video in case link stops working)


1 Solution

@Seangt ...

ok.  So, posting here in the Community is different than reporting a possible bug to Instructure.  I'd recommend that you reach out to Canvas Support to get a ticket created.  That way, the folks at Instructure can either add you to any similar existing tickets or create a new ticket for this possible issue...and then you'll be updated if/when anything new develops.  You should be able to contact Canvas Help by following the information in this Guide:

How do I get help with Canvas as an instructor?

Hope this helps!

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